* je bent een kajira burger vanaf je twee activiteiten hebt meegedaan.
Dear Commilitones,
The royal decree announces that a cantus is near!
Every kajira civilian* is hereby invited to attend the festivities. This edition’s theme: PROFESSIONS!
Let your imagination run wild and take a sip in honor of all the trades, professions, and callings that enrich our society. The police (morality squad) will maintain order with a firm hand. But rest assured, tonight there’s room for every occupation: from brave firefighters to skilled bakers, from tough construction workers to wise professors. So raise your glasses, sing at the top of your lungs, and let the professions ring out into the night!
There is a 'schachten bak'!
This edition there is a 'schachtenbak' with people who are volunteering to be 'schacht'. Because all 'schachten' are volunteers, the 'schachtenbak' wil work a bit different then the normal student body. Do you want to be a 'schacht'? Don't forget to mention that in the comments section during registration and be on time for the 'schachten breefing'.
Is it your first cantus? No problem, we are happy to assist you with some guidance, and if you arrive a bit early, we can provide some extra information!
Tip: wear clothes that can handle a bit of dirt; your finest evening gown might not be the best idea ;)
A celebration is meant to be shared, so each kajira civilian* may bring Two external guests. This guests should be noted in the comments section during registration.
- Beer: €12
- Water and own drinks: €4
- BONUS: €1 discount if you bring your own reusable cup
- Setup from 19:30
- Doors open: 20:00
- Schachten briefing and newcomers: 20:00
- Io Vivat: 20:30
Make sure to be on time, as being late may result in a little penalty!
We also have a playlist with some songs that are often sung during a cantus. You can check out the playlist here:
* You are a kajira civilian if you have already been to two other kajira activities.